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'Going to hell!' MSNBC panel trashes Christians who support Donald Trump, says they won't 'be redeemed'

  An MSNBC panel grotesquely mocked on Tuesday Christians who support Donald Trump's 2024 campaign. A new CBS News/YouGov  poll  found t...

 An MSNBC panel grotesquely mocked on Tuesday Christians who support Donald Trump's 2024 campaign.

A new CBS News/YouGov poll found that voters who plan to vote for Trump in the 2024 election trust him more than they do their family and friends, conservative media figures, and even their religious leaders. 

On Tuesday, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough and Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson used the findings as fodder to mock Trump-supporting Christians.

"We've been hearing, Gene, for so long that Iowa voters are deeply religious. 'Oh, they're truly Christian evangelicals. Oh, if you go to Iowa, then you love Jesus so much!'" Scarborough mocked.

"Now what do we find out? They trust a four-time-indicted reality TV show host who a New York judge called a rapist, who bragged about sexually molesting women ... now twice as many of them basically say, 'We trust that guy over a minister of Jesus Christ.'" 

Robinson not only agreed with Scarborough, but escalated the rhetoric.

"It's just what those numbers suggest is that a whole lot of people in Iowa are going to hell! Right? They are not going to be redeemed!" he exclaimed.

Scarborough then rushed in to defend Robinson, telling viewers that he was "joking." But even co-host Mika Brzezinski could be heard in the background preparing to register her disagreement with Robinson's appalling comments. 

NBC News Poll: 51% of Iowa Republicans believe Trump's stolen election

Instead of mocking Christians, the "Morning Joe" panel could have provided actual substantive commentary had they recognized the obvious reasons why Trump voters trust the former president: CBS News/YouGov found that 95% of Trump voters believe Trump "fights for people like me," while 99% said they believe America was better off when Trump was president.

Moreover, the panel chose the lowest-hanging fruit from the poll and used it as an opportunity to mock Christians. The figure they mocked is a misleading representation of Republican voters and Christians, overall, because it only showed what percentage of Trump supporters (i.e., a self-selecting group) trust the former president.

When all GOP primary voters are considered, the number who trust Trump falls to 53%.

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