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House Freedom Caucus vows to reject any spending measure that doesn't tackle the border crisis, woke Pentagon, and 'weaponization' of DOJ and FBI

  As the beginning of new fiscal year approaches with Congress having so far   failed   to approve government appropriations bills, the Hous...

 As the beginning of new fiscal year approaches with Congress having so far failed to approve government appropriations bills, the House Freedom Caucus, a coalition of conservative congressmembers, has pledged to reject any spending measure that fails to put the kibosh on leftist Pentagon policies, tackle the "weaponization of the Justice Department and FBI," and include the "Secure the Border Act of 2023."

"We remain committed to restoring the true FY 2022 topline spending level of $1.471 trillion without the use of gimmicks or reallocated rescissions to return the bureaucracy to its pre-COVID size while allowing for adequate defense funding," a Freedom Caucus press release declares. "However, when Congress returns to Washington, we will have just a few days before government funding expires on September 30, and time is rapidly running out to enact all 12 appropriations bills. 

"Therefore, in the eventuality that Congress must consider a short-term extension of government funding through a Continuing Resolution, we refuse to support any such measure that continues Democrats' bloated COVID-era spending and simultaneously fails to force the Biden Administration to follow the law and fulfill its most basic responsibilities," the press release notes. 

The group also warned that they will not support kicking the can down the road via the passage of a slew of stopgap spending measures that ultimately lead to lawmakers approving of a massive omnibus spending package around the end of the year. 

"Furthermore, we will oppose any attempt by Washington to revert to its old playbook of using a series of short-term funding extensions designed to push Congress up against a December deadline to force the passage of yet another monstrous, budget busting, pork filled, lobbyist handout omnibus spending bill at year's end and we will use every procedural tool necessary to prevent that outcome," the press release reads. "Lastly, we will oppose any blank check for Ukraine in any supplemental appropriations bill."

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