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Iran Close To Starting Nuclear Weapon Testing

  The   Islamic Republic of Iran   is reportedly nearing the threshold to test nuclear weapons as their ability to enrich weapons-grade uran...

 The Islamic Republic of Iran is reportedly nearing the threshold to test nuclear weapons as their ability to enrich weapons-grade uranium has dramatically accelerated under the Biden administration.

The Jerusalem Post reported that Iran, which is the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, has sought technology that is illegal for them to have in order to further develop their nuclear weapons program, according to new intelligence reports out of Germany, Sweden, and the Netherlands.

The reports said that Iran was moving fast in its advances, which “brings the option of a possible Iranian first nuclear test closer.”

“Last year, Iran proceeded with its nuclear program. The country continues to increase stocks of 20% and 60% enriched uranium,” one of the reports said. “By means of centrifuges, this can be used for further enrichment to the 90% enriched uranium needed for a nuclear weapon.”

The reports noted that Iran was continuing to violate laws in its drive to obtain nuclear weapons and that the country “engages in industrial espionage” in high-tech industries to further its weapons program.

The intelligence reports indicated that Iran has made a significant number of attempts to procure the materials needed to continue its efforts for “the production of weapons of mass destruction, their delivery systems, other armaments or elements of new weapon systems.”

Israeli Brig. Gen. Yossi Kuperwasser (res.), an expert on Iran’s weapons program, told the foreign newspaper that Iran has shortened their “breakout time to a nuclear arsenal by illegally acquiring equipment and knowledge from various European countries.”


“The reports only expose part of the Iranian efforts in Europe, and it would be wise to assume that many of those efforts have remained clandestine,” he added. “Iran is likely interpreting Western policy towards it as a sign of weakness since European and US actions against Iran (have) been passive and unintimidating.”

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