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Wednesday, March 19


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Migrant Mob Attacks AfD Politician, Kicking him on the Ground, Breaking his Ankle as German Government “Protects Democracy” By Inciting Hate

  Afd candidate Andreas Jurca was severely beaten Saturday night   Andreas Jurca, running for the Bavarian state parliament for the patrioti...


Afd candidate Andreas Jurca was severely beaten Saturday night


Andreas Jurca, running for the Bavarian state parliament for the patriotic Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, was brutally attacked on the weekend after Antifa doxxed a list of addresses of AfD politicians. Instead of arresting the criminals, the police also spread the “assassination list.”

The 35-year-old town council member in the south German city of Augsburg Andreas Jurca was attacked by a mob of migrants Saturday evening on his way home from a barbecue and brutally beaten, he told Deutschlandkurier. A man had approached him and extended his hand, saying, “Hey, aren’t you that Andreas Jurca from the posters?” When he responded, another man from the mob hit him in the face, flooring him.

On the ground, the mob kicked and pummeled him, calling him an “F*** ing Nazi”.

The shortsighted Jurca lost his glasses, his ankle was broken and his face severely battered. Jurca has a 5-year-old daughter and a six-month-old son. State elections will take place in Bavaria on Oct. 8. The AfD is tied with the Greens in 2nd place at 14%. 

Left-wing accounts and journalists spread hate and fake news, claiming that Jurca had been injured in a drunken bar brawl. It was a lie, total “disinformation”.

In the neighboring state of Hesse, which also votes on Oct. 8., Antifa Frankfurt released the photos and addresses of all AfD candidates, including their license plate numbers and hobbys, akin to an assassination dossier. The leftist radicals urged “militant action” to “make their lives hell.” Local law enforcement and the state police shared the Antifa links, thus further endangering the politicians’ lives.

Commemorating 75 years of the German constitution on Thursday, socialist President Frank-Walter Steinmeier used the bully pulpit to incite against the AfD in the name of “democracy,” thus further inciting Antifa violence.

Government-funded NGOs like HateAid conspire with pubweb journalists like ARD’s George Restle to incite hatred against the AfD, in complete violation of neutrality rules for journalists and publicly funded bodies, while claiming to defend “democracy” and “rule of law”. Interior minister Nancy Faeser, whosew job it would be to enforce the law, wrote an article for “Antifa” magazine 2021 and posed for photos with Antifa radicals. Faeser’s ministry funds the hate groups together with Green pro-groomer “Family Minister” Lisa Paus.

Despite their €200 million yearly funding for “protecting democracy” in Germany, threats of violence and professional and personal destruction, the AfD is currently the most popular single party in Germany at 23% nationwide, due to the abysmal failure of the mainstream parties and far-left agenda. Hate and violence are expected to increase even more as the party gains support.

Left-wing politicans like Steinmeier, the Socialists’ Saskia Esken and secret police chief Thomas Haldenwang demanded the most popular party in Germany be banned in the name of “protecting democracy”.

Despite Saturday’s attack, more and more Muslims and foreigners are now flocking to support the AfD due to the batshit crazy left-wing agenda, including transgenderism, male hate and climate hysteria. “A lot of my good friends are voting for the AfD”, a Muslim man in Berlin’s Migrant district Neukölln recently told an interviewer (in German):

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