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Tim Scott Slams Biden Over Condition Of U.S. Southern Border

  Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) criticized the   Biden administration   during an interview this week over the poor conditions on the U.S. southern ...

 Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) criticized the Biden administration during an interview this week over the poor conditions on the U.S. southern border.

The Republican presidential candidate made the remarks during an interview with Fox News while he was visiting the U.S.-Mexico border on Friday.

“The biggest difference between 2019 and now, two words: Joe Biden,” Scott said. “When you have a president who unleashes a wide open, unsafe, insecure border, we cannot be surprised by more than six million illegal crossings. However, the devastation of 70,000 Americans who lost their lives to fentanyl because Joe Biden refuses to close our southern border. Preventable. As President of the United States, I will finish this wall and I will use the available technology to surveil our border to stop fentanyl from killing another 70,000 Americans in the next 12 months.”

Scott said that local law enforcement has told him that the continued surge in illegal immigration has devastated their communities.

“The devastation that we are experiencing as Americans is preventable — much of it is preventable if we finish the wall, use technology, fire Joe Biden, and hire me,” he said. “I will be the president that finishes the wall and takes seriously the opportunity to save tens of thousands of Americans from the drug of fentanyl.”

Scott said that he was not discouraged by a recent poll from The New York Times that showed former President Donald Trump at 54%, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis at 17%, and everyone else at 3% or less.

“What I’m excited about is in Iowa, we’re already in third place,” he said. “We continue to see our poll numbers move. What we are understanding every single day is that the voters in Iowa want an optimistic, positive message anchored in conservatism — as long as you have a backbone. The more we meet people, the more excited we are about the future of this campaign.”

“The good news is we’ve not yet started the sprint,” he said. “We’re still in the long journey. The sprint starts in the fourth quarter. I’m excited that we’ll be at the finish line and we’ll get there first. January the 14th.”



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