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Washington D.C. Women Will Make You Pray They Don’t Have Kids

  If you really want to evoke a sense of panic over the future of our species, look no further than the  “Man vs Street” episode released Mo...

 If you really want to evoke a sense of panic over the future of our species, look no further than the  “Man vs Street” episode released Monday.

“Should kids do drag or play football?” was host Joel Gibbons’ question for Washington D.C. women this week on “Man vs Street.” And the answers will make your blood run cold.

An overwhelming majority of the Gen Z-looking gals were vehemently anti-football because apparently it’s too violent. Instead of purposeful violence and discipline from sports, D.C. women would prefer their children be overly sexualized by men parading as caricatures of women.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure some drag shows are fun. I don’t get why watching fat, ugly, naked dudes make fun of women is entertaining, but clearly this new generation is all about it. And they want their kids to be into it too.

They’d even be okay with their children dancing sexually while dressed up as clowns because it’s “not as dangerous” as sports, apparently. One women hilariously said that if a child wants to do something, you should “give them agency” and let them do it.

Hmmmm … I’ll remember that the next time my goddaughter wants to stab her sister to death with a crayon. Not. 

The best thing about this entire video is just how completely ill-informed these women were. Most of them had never been to a drag show, but still had the ego to claim that drag shows were somehow safer than playing football.

Did their parents not bother to explain that it’s important to shut up and admit you know nothing when that is, in fact, the case? Ugh. Some of the women were at least mildly reasonable. But for the most part, all of them were cringe examples of propaganda done right. How embarrassing for them.

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