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Young People Want Biden To Face Primary As Approval Rating Continues To Drop: Survey

  A new survey shows that the majority of young people believe that President   Joe Biden   should face a primary challenge as his popularit...

 A new survey shows that the majority of young people believe that President Joe Biden should face a primary challenge as his popularity among the demographic continues to decline. 

The survey was taken by Echelon Insights and commissioned by the Young America’s Foundation (YAF), and asked 1,650 high school and college students for their views on a variety of political and social issues. 

56% of high schoolers say that Biden should face a serious primary challenge with 61% of college students agreeing, including 68% of high school students who identify as liberal and 62% of college students who identify as liberal. 

Biden currently faces challenges from Marianne Williamson and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the latter of whom has reached up to 20% of support from Democrats in some polls. 

The president’s approval has dipped down from 2021 among both high schoolers and college students, according to the survey. Among high school students his approval has dropped from 58% to 33% and disapproval has jumped 29% to 47%. Among college students his approval has dropped from 62% to 38% and disapproval jumped from 28% to 51%. 

The economy was a top issue for both college and high school students, though school safety slightly edged out economic concerns for high schoolers. Issues of race relations, immigration, and political corruption ranked as less important issues for both demographics. 

Both groups also expressed support for mandating a maximum age for presidential candidates with nearly three fourths of college students backing the idea of age restrictions. Those who favored age restrictions typically voiced support for an age somewhere between the ages of 60-69 as the oldest a presidential candidate could be. 

Just 19% of the high school students surveyed identified as conservative or somewhat conservative while 21% of college students identified as conservative or somewhat conservative. The most common ideological identification for both was moderate, including 33% of high school students and 32% of college students. 

“In the leadup to GOP primary debate, our polling shows Gen Z students across the political spectrum care about a range of important issues – including a candidate’s age and the need to feel safe in their schools. Strikingly though, the top issue among young voters is the economy,” former Wisconsin governor and current YAF President Scott Walker said in a statement. “Many are concerned they won’t be able to find a job that pays well, start a business, or be able to afford housing when they graduate from college. Everyone in the 2024 race would be wise to focus on the issues that matter to this important voting bloc.”

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