A Leftist activist who is part of the “Loudoun Love Warriors,” a group that works closely with Democrat politicians in Virginia’s Loudoun ...
A Leftist activist who is part of the “Loudoun Love Warriors,” a group that works closely with Democrat politicians in Virginia’s Loudoun County and has threatened members who challenge its policy goals, was arrested Friday for allegedly making violent threats, The Daily Wire has learned.
Derek Summers, a rapper who frequently poses with guns on social media, was arrested on Friday and “charged with a class five felony under Virginia law for making a threat against Oatlands, a historic property in Leesburg, Virginia,” according to a spokeswoman for the Loudoun County sheriff’s office, which was notified about the threat by the property.
In a video posted to his Facebook, Summers said he became enraged after seeing people having a “good time” at Oatlands, a historic site that dates back to colonial times, because there used to be slaves there.
“I actually like to go there to connect with my roots and see I don’t know, kind of bear witnesses,” Summer said. “If the place is going to be there, if they’re going to make it historical, then that’s what it’s there for. I don’t think it should be for people to sit and have a good time. There were people there enjoying themselves and that bothered me.”
Oatlands, a National Trust Historic Site, is now run by a nonprofit that offers it as a nature-filled park and educates people about its history, including telling the forgotten story of enslaved people who once toiled there.
Summers denied that he made any threats. “I didn’t threaten anyone and that will be that,” he told The Daily Wire. He said in the Facebook video that after leaving Oatlands, he made an online post that referenced burning it down, but was not being literal. “I take extreme reservation with a plantation,” he said.
Oatlands CEO Caleb M. Schutz told The Daily Wire that he could not comment on an “ongoing case.”
Summers maintains ties with top officials in the county — in addition to a close relationship with far-Left prosecutor Buta Biberaj, Summers was once invited to the White House by the county’s top official, Chair Phyllis Randall, who he called his “biGG sistah” and a “friend.”
In May, The Daily Wire reported that Summers was in a secret Facebook group with a campaign staffer for Biberaj named Andrew Pihonak, an aide to School Board Chair Ian Serotkin, a local reporter, and other Loudoun activists in which members made violent threats against political opponents.
“Someone gonna get hurt on their side and I hope I get to do it,” Summers wrote. “I’m sooo ready to show up with guns lol.”
After Pihonack falsely accused a conservative resident who spoke before the school board of threatening to drown gays, Summers plotted how to retaliate. “Reciprocation is our only move,” Summers said. “And I don’t care how that comes across … SOMETHING has to happen to one of them.”
“If he had said that s*** about black kids or autistic kids I would shoot him,” Summers added. “People get ended for less than that… They know I don’t care about jail or lawsuits.”
Elicia Brand, who a Loudoun Love Warrior suggested should be “curb-stomped,” said the Love Warriors are so fixated about who wins races for sheriff and prosecutor because they believe that their candidates won’t enforce laws against them.
The Loudoun County Democratic Committee disavowed the Loudon Love Warriors, but not the county’s prosecutor, Buta Biberaj.
On June 6 she wrote to Sheriff Mike Chapman, a Republican, instructing him to investigate a conservative group that criticized the Loudoun Love Warriors by renting billboard trucks with quotes from their members. “I have been contacted by several members of the Loudoun community who have expressed fear and concern about being harassed and intimidated,” she wrote. “Please assign a member of your team to investigate this matter so as to prevent any unlawfulness.” She cited two states in the Virginia code, both of which appear to be civil statutes that did not apply.
Left, Derek Summers with Loudoun Board of Supervisors Chair Phyllis Randall. Right, Summers’ felony mug shot. (Facebook/Sheriff’s Office)
On June 20, Summers and other Loudoun Love Warriors made up a sizable portion of the volunteers at her victory party after winning the Democrat primary.
Biberaj did not return a request for comment on whether she will prosecute Summers, or recuse herself from the case due to conflict of interest. After she recused from another case involving school board politics, it was assigned to a fellow Soros prosecutor from a different jurisdiction, who dropped it.
Summers in the Facebook video presented himself as legally untouchable, boasting about all the times legal efforts against him have failed.
“I spent about 3.5 hours in custody yesterday, I’m out on PR bond right now. My lawyer’s about to go 3-0 this year,” he said.
That’s a reference to the time a Left-wing Loudoun judge denied a request for a protective order filed by a conservative mom. Summers testified in that matter that although he called her a “cracker,” he didn’t mean it as a racial slur.
In a video soon after, Summers laughed at the idea that he was not a dangerous person, and about the audacity of his testimony in court. “I was talking about beating the case because I don’t be dangerous and don’t be around dangerous people (hahahah) I’m ‘bout to crack me a whole cracker today,” he said.
“I called this lady a cracker in court and then this super crackified lawyer said you throw racial slurs around… he said ‘did you call her a cracker?’ and I said ‘no’ and he was stuck because I literally just called her one in front of everyone,” he said.
“He said ‘what would you do if someone called you racial slurs?’ and I said ‘are you trying to imply that cracker is anywhere near as bad as the n-word?’ and he looked up at the black female judge whose dreadlocks are a little longer than mine,” he said.
In another video, he recounted interacting with five police officers in July after he attempted to fight a man because “the day of the hate-filled privileged cis male, add all that Christian white male whatever, is over with.” He said the man “consented” to a fight by crossing the street.
He said that it is important to replace Sheriff Chapman with Craig Buckley, a Democrat candidate for sheriff whose campaign consultant was also a member of the Love Warriors. “We about to get Chapman out of here, we about to get a real solid individual, an actual human being in office,” Summers said.
Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares had proposed a bill giving his office powers to step in and prosecute cases that local prosecutors would not, but it was killed by the Democrat-controlled Senate.
Victoria LaCivita, a spokeswoman forMiyares, told The Daily Wire that Miyares is “concerned for the integrity of the justice system,” and said that Buteraj should recuse herself from the case.
“An elected Commonwealth’s Attorney should not use her position to shield her political allies from prosecution while at the same time using her position to pursue her political adversaries,” LaCivita said. “The law in Virginia is clear, that when a Commonwealth’s Attorney has a relationship with an accused that makes it improper for him or her to act, the Commonwealth’s Attorney should recuse himself or herself and I call on the Loudoun County Commonwealth’s Attorney to do so immediately.”
Elicia Brand, a conservative mother who a Loudoun Love Warrior suggested should be “curb-stomped,” said the reason the Loudoun Love Warriors are so fixated about who wins races for sheriff and prosecutor is because they believe that their candidates won’t enforce laws against them.
“He just keeps getting away with it. And it’s because of people like Buta who allow these people to act with impunity and they get more and more brazen until one day they hurt someone,” she told The Daily Wire. “It’s disheartening to see how his close ties to Buta and Randall may be influencing the course of justice.”
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