President Joe Biden reportedly had a few choice words to say about his old boss, former President Barack Obama — namely that Obama was too...
President Joe Biden reportedly had a few choice words to say about his old boss, former President Barack Obama — namely that Obama was too preppy to let loose a few choice words in proper fashion.
According to a report published Tuesday by The New York Post, author Franklin Foer made the claim in his new book, “The Last Politician” — in which he referred to Biden as a “lunch-pail cornball” next to Obama’s “effete professor.” Foer argued that Biden’s complaint was rooted in his apparent belief that Obama was not “down-home enough,” as the Post reported.
“Biden told a friend that Obama didn’t know to say f–k you properly, with the right elongation of vowels and the necessary hardness of his consonants. It was how they must curse in the ivory tower,” Foer wrote.
The author, who claimed he had access to a number of advisers close to the Bidens while writing the book, said that Biden also complained about Obama’s tendency to listen to advisers rather than pushing harder for what he wanted or believed was the correct course of action.
Foer said that the pair eventually developed a code that involved Obama tipping back in his chair if he wanted his then-vice president to take a more hardline stance on whatever issue might be on the table — to ensure that more sensitive or provocative points would be addressed without Obama being the one to raise the issues.
“When Obama tipped back in his chair at meetings, Biden took that as a cue to ask provocative questions that Obama wanted answered but didn’t want to raise himself for fear of shifting the tenor of a meeting,” Foer wrote, adding, “If Obama erred on the side of under-reaction, Biden was going to err on the side of overreaction.”
But Biden was not alone in criticizing Obama — the former president has voiced a few qualms about Biden as well, most famously warning Democrats in 2020, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f*** things up.”