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Axios argues against 'open borders' critics and gets nailed with mockery and ridicule online

  The Axios news outlet tried to argue against people criticizing the Biden administration for its "open border" policies and face...

 The Axios news outlet tried to argue against people criticizing the Biden administration for its "open border" policies and faced a massive backlash of mockery and ridicule online.

"By using the term 'open border,' conservatives are suggesting that anyone can get into the U.S. without much hassle. But the reality is the southern border is more fortified than it's ever been," read a post on social media from Axios.  

The article argued that the number of Border Patrol agents has quadrupled since 1992 from 5,000 agents to more than 20,000. It also said that there were more deportations under President Joe Biden than ever before, but it did not cite at all the historically high rate of migrants entering the U.S.

Critics lambasted Axios on social media for trying to downplay the migrant crisis.

"Leftwing Axios is running explicit Biden propaganda now," tweeted talk show host Erick Erickson.

"This is so bad. You can tell whoever wrote this hasn’t spent much time at the border or hasn’t bothered talking to the agents tasked with patrolling it. Ask the 1.6 million + known gotaways how difficult it was to get in w/ chunks of the border unpatrolled while agents process," responded Bill Melugin, a Fox News reporter. 

"This isn’t just media spin. It’s an outright lie. Illegal aliens are crossing the border at unprecedented rates. Cartels are trafficking drugs and humans daily — many of these drugs reaching SD. Joe Biden is not enforcing the law. He’s leaving the border wide open," replied South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R).

"Amazing you're trying to gaslight people who can actually see people coming across the border without impunity and unimpeded. You're just the propaganda arm of the DNC," read another critical tweet.

The migrant crisis has worsened to the point that Democrats are turning on each other. In New York, the Democratic governor is in a public feud with the Democratic mayor of New York City over what to do with migrants who have been bused to the city from border states.

Here's more about the border migrant crisis:

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