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Children as young as 5 to participate in 'National Coming Out Day' as part of LA elementary schools' 'Week of Action'

  California schools routinely bombard children with LGBT propaganda. Just last month, Gov. Gavin Newsom   ratified a law   that will effect...

 California schools routinely bombard children with LGBT propaganda. Just last month, Gov. Gavin Newsom ratified a law that will effectively penalize those school boards in the state that fail to do so.

Despite the suffusion of the curriculum with state-mandated non-straight agitprop, it appears the Los Angeles Unified School District's Board of Education is convinced that children as young as five could always benefit from more sexualization and confusion. 

Internal documents obtained by City Journal revealed that from Oct. 9 to 13, LAUSD elementary schools will have kids participate in "National Coming Out Day" as part of a post-Pride Month "Week of Action."

The board provided teachers with a "toolkit" containing recommended classroom activities, such as a so-called identity map, prompting students to both engage "in discussions about identity" and learn about "intersectionality."

An example map shows a child's color-coded attempt to reduce her humanity to sexual preferences, race, body size, mental health, and ability. 

Another example shows a human being's sense that she amounts to a rainbow, a map of Wisconsin, a pagan symbol, and signs that read "white silence is violence" and "black lives matter."

Teachers are asked to share students' maps with the district.

The Week of Action is apparently not limited to identitarian prompts. Each day, teachers are asked to celebrate a different LGBT icon in their morning announcements. 

On Monday, teachers will celebrate Jared Jennings, the boy called "Jazz" whose parents sought to transition him at the age of five, then paraded him on television. Earlier this year, footage emerged wherein Jeanette Jennings, the victim's mother, admitted on camera to daily forcing her son to keep his groin wound fresh. In a separate tearful confession, Jennings has indicated, "I don't feel like me ever."

Following a celebration Tuesday of an HIV-positive transvestite suspected of killing himself, the board suggested that teachers extol Elliot Page in their morning announcements Wednesday. Page is a Canadian actress who made headlines for undergoing trans-conversion therapy and having her healthy breasts removed. Announcements on Thursday and Friday appear to be reserved for celebrations of WNBA athlete Layshia Clarendon, who claims to be nonbinary, and Carl Nassib, a gay NFL player.

Lessons for the week include "Introducing Gender" and "Gender Stereotyping" for K-2 students.

On Friday, it appears as though teachers will have students take a pledge, not to America or the American flag, but of "allyship," promising to "[u]se kind language when talking about all teachers, staff, classmates and their families even if they are different from themselves" and to "[e]ncourage and teach others to be allies."

Among the additional resources linked in the toolkit is a book list, which contains an illustrated book about statutory rapist Harvey Milk. There is also a glossary from the Human Rights Campaign Foundation that defines neologisms popular with LGBT activists, such as "gender binary," "non-binary," "cisgender," "pansexual," and "sex assigned at birth."

The document states that the toolkit was "created to provide educators a variety of sample lesson plans & activities in adherence with the California FAIR Education Act. The following materials can be adapted to meet the unique needs of your students. Please feel free to use a few or ALL of the lesson plans and and [sic] activities included, as well as some of your own."

It does not appear that using none of the materials is an option.

When the LAUSD first recognized Oct. 11 as "National Coming Out Day" in 2019, board member Scott Schmerelson said, "National Coming Out Day is a reminder that coming out is not just a one-time event."

Board member Jackie Goldberg said, "Our work must continue until our world becomes about 'we' and all of us together."

Heather Mac Donald, writing for City Journal, noted that while elementary school children in the LAUSD will be up to snuff on the latest in gender ideology, last year, 61% of third-graders did not meet "California's watered-down, equity-driven standard for English."

Furthermore, "59 percent of third-graders failed to meet the state's already-low standard for math competency. Over 76 percent of LAUSD eighth-graders did not meet math standard."

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