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Donna Brazile Sees ‘Red Flag’ In DNC’s Bid For Diversity

  A well-known Democratic strategist is worried about her party’s struggle to achieve diversity for the 2o24 convention that will pick a pre...

 A well-known Democratic strategist is worried about her party’s struggle to achieve diversity for the 2o24 convention that will pick a presidential nominee.

Donna Brazile, a two-time former acting chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), recently told contemporaries how there appears to be a troubling trend in key areas, according to POLITICO.

“I keep looking at these diversity goals in big states like New York, like California. And, for some reason, whether it’s the African American community, black community, the LGBTQ+ community, or Hispanic community, [the] numbers continue to decrease,” she said.

The news outlet noted that in a follow-up interview about delegate plans, Brazile said, “It raises a red flag in my judgment.” Brazile added, “And then I try to find out what the hell is it.”

President Joe Biden is running for a second term with Vice President Kamala Harris as his running mate. Though the Biden-Harris ticket so far dominates in polling on the Democratic Party’s primary field, surveys have signaled vulnerability in the general election amid low approval ratings and anxiety about Biden’s age (80) and fitness to continue serving.

Pollsters have also found that Biden appears to be dropping off among non-white voters, particularly among the black and Latino communities, at a time in history when Democrats have touted diversity as a strength.


At the Democratic National Convention, which is set to take place in Chicago during August as the primary election cycle comes to a close, delegates will gather to formally select the party’s nominee.

POLITICO reported that Brazile emphasized the Democratic Party still has time to grapple with the diversity issue and said she would bring it up again in an upcoming meeting. The news outlet noted the DNC disagreed with Brazile’s view of the situation but declined to comment further for the report.

Maria Cardona, another Democratic strategist involved with the committee, acknowledged that members did concede a troubling pattern. “It seemed like the numbers for this cycle in some of the states [are] lower than from last cycle,” Cardona said, reportedly adding that party officials are still “peeling that onion” for a better understanding.

Brazile recently said on ABC that former President Donald Trump, the frontrunner in GOP primary surveys despite a series of legal fights, has a “movement” behind him that should be respected by those looking to defeat him.

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