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Most Americans Think Joe Biden Did Something Illegal Or Unethical In Hunter Biden’s Foreign Business Dealings: POLL

  A significant majority of Americans believe Joe Biden acted either illegally or unethically in connection with Hunter Biden’s lucrative fo...

 A significant majority of Americans believe Joe Biden acted either illegally or unethically in connection with Hunter Biden’s lucrative foreign business dealings, according to a new poll from the Associated Press (AP) and the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago (NORC).

More than two-thirds — 68% — of Americans polled, believe Joe Biden did something illegal or unethical in connection with his son’s foreign business dealings, the AP-NORC poll found. Overall, 35% of Americans think Joe Biden did something illegal and 33% say he did something unethical but not illegal; 30% believe he did nothing wrong, the AP-NORC poll shows. 

A whopping 97% of Republicans believe Joe Biden acted illegally or unethically in Hunter Biden’s business dealings compared to 40% of Democrats who believe so; 58% of Democrats think Joe Biden did nothing wrong. The poll was conducted from Oct. 5-9 with a nationwide sample of 1,163 adults and a plus or minus 3.9% margin of error.

House Republicans launched an impeachment inquiry in September related to Joe Biden’s role in his son’s business dealings and the Department of Justice (DOJ) investigation into Hunter Biden’s taxes and firearms possession. The Oversight Committee led the first impeachment inquiry hearing in late September and subpoenaed Hunter and James Biden’s bank records after the hearing concluded. ( 

A House memo circulated ahead of the first hearing stated the Biden family and their business associates received more than $24 million from individuals and companies from Ukraine, Russia, China, Romania and Kazakhstan. Likewise, the House Ways and Means Committee released a trove of documents supporting the testimony of IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, who both accused the DOJ of giving Hunter Biden special treatment in its ongoing investigation.

The AP-NORC poll found that 33% of Americans approve of the impeachment inquiry compared to 38% who disapprove and 26% who neither approve or disapprove. A majority of those polled, 54%, have read or heard little or nothing about the impeachment inquiry.

Hunter Biden was indicted in September on three counts related to his October 2018 purchase of a firearm while he allegedly battled a crack cocaine addiction. He pleaded not guilty to the federal gun charges at an Oct. 3 arraignment and his attorneys have said he will seek to have the charges dismissed based on the terms of his failed guilty plea agreement.

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