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Nebraska RINO Don Bacon Compares America First Movement to Nazi Germany

  Rep. Don Bacon Do better, Nebraska. GOP turncoat Don Bacon (R-Nebraska) made waves last week by not only going against his party’s consens...


Rep. Don Bacon

Do better, Nebraska.

GOP turncoat Don Bacon (R-Nebraska) made waves last week by not only going against his party’s consensus but also labeling fellow Republican Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) a “loser” after Republicans voted against him in a secret ballot away from their voting base.

Jordan, the most popular Republican lawmaker in Congress, was taken out by the RINO lawmakers who make up the majority of the GOP Caucus.

Last Monday, a lobbying firm known to have ties with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell organized a phone call with Don Bacon. An email sent out before the call clarified the agenda by stating, “Tonight at 8:00 PM EST, we will have a call with Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE), a Republican member who is leading the fight against Jordan. Donald Trump is threatening any member who plans to vote against Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) for Speaker of the House.”

The phone call, cloaked in secrecy, appeared to be part of a broader campaign to ensure that Jim Jordan didn’t clinch the Speaker of the House position—a role for which he has significant grassroots support. Don Bacon, it seems, is leading this anti-Jordan front.


On Wednesday, Bacon appeared on CNN’s “The Lead” to discuss the ongoing Speaker of the House race. In the conversation with anchor Jake Tapper, Bacon said that Jordan “doesn’t have a pathway forward to 217 [votes],” thereby urging him to withdraw his candidacy.

“I believe he’s done. He needs to withdraw from this. He’s going to lose more votes tomorrow. I know it. I know who is going to cross over and change. He doesn’t have a pathway forward to 217,” Bacon said.

In a private meeting held on Friday after the third vote, Jim Jordan lost by a vote of 112-86 in a secret ballot. For those keeping count, that’s only 198 votes out of 221 Republicans in the conference. This discrepancy leaves a glaring question: Where were the missing 23 votes? And why did these Republicans abstain from such a crucial vote?

Things took a confrontational turn when Bacon engaged in a terse exchange with retired veteran Robert Anthony Sr. over social media. Bacon claimed to be doing “what is right for our country,” to which Anthony retorted, “The arrogance to think you know what is right and 200 fellow Republicans in the House don’t?”

Bacon replied, “Actually, 112 Republicans decided to remove Jordan tonight. 86 GOP disagreed. The majority was with me.”

Anthony pointed out that “a bunch of spineless cowards went the route of a secret vote in the end.”

Bacon responded and went full Liz Cheney, “He was a loser. Most knew it. He and his supporters broke election rules to get there in the first place. Election integrity broke Jordan.”

Even the head of the Nebraska Democrat party welcomes Bacon to their party.

“Maybe time for Bacon to leave the party that’s so extreme and hateful?” said Jane Kleeb in response to the alleged threat Bacon’s wife received.

This weekend Don Bacon compared the America First movement, his voting base, to 1930’s Nazi Party.

The tweet is still posted on his Twitter-X page.

Bacon is such a fraud. He has no respect for his voters.

DC Draino did not ignore the latest from this horrible RINO.

Don Bacon cannot be primaried out of Congress soon enough.

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