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Biden Admin Accused Again Of ‘Previewing’ To The Enemy Its Response To 3 Dead U.S. Soldiers

  President Joe Biden and his administration are being accused of telegraphing their alleged forthcoming punches against Iran and its terror...

 President Joe Biden and his administration are being accused of telegraphing their alleged forthcoming punches against Iran and its terrorist proxy groups in the Middle East after three U.S. soldiers were killed in a terror attack over the weekend.

Sky News reported Monday afternoon that Biden was preparing to authorize U.S. Military action against those responsible for the attack “as early as tonight,” thus potentially tipping them off.

Shortly after the suicide drone attack was carried out on Sunday, the Iranian-backed terrorists responsible for the attack evacuated their posts and spread out their most valuable equipment in anticipation of U.S. airstrikes.

Biden officials leaked to Politico on Monday night the targets that Biden is considering:

Among the options on the table for the Pentagon: striking Iranian personnel in Syria or Iraq or Iranian naval assets in the Persian Gulf, according to the officials. The Iranian government, for its part, has suggested that a strike on Iran itself would be a red line. The officials suggested that, once the president gave the go-ahead, the retaliation would likely begin in the next couple of days and come in waves against a range of targets.

Rebeccah Heinrichs, senior fellow at Hudson Institute and the director of its Keystone Defense Initiative, slammed the administration for once again tipping off the enemy to its plans.

“It is a bizarre habit of this White House to overshare what it is going to do to the enemy,” she said. “It does not appear that it is meant to complicate the enemy’s calculations or make him fear us; instead it seems meant to clarify for the enemy and assure him. It would be far better to say nothing at all.”

When Biden finally launched bare minimum retaliatory strikes against Iranian-backed Houthi terrorists in Yemen for disrupting global trade in the Red Sea earlier this month he was accused of warning them in advance of his plans.

“A surprise attack obviously gives us better odds of killing more Houthis, destroying their weapons, and keeping our service members safe. Telegraphing the attack decreases those odds,” Heinrichs told The Daily Wire at the time. “It is a maddening hallmark of this administration’s approach in responding to aggression. It seems to think by allaying the fears of our enemies, communicating that we won’t hurt them ‘too badly,’ they won’t hit us back ‘too much.’”

“We should be making our enemies fear us,” she added. “We have the overwhelming advantage. We have got to start acting like it or it will keep getting worse.”

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