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Dividin’ Biden: New Ad Implies You Hate Democracy Unless You Vote For Him

  President   Joe Biden’s   latest campaign ad may have stopped short of using the word “deplorable” to describe those who support former Pr...

 President Joe Biden’s latest campaign ad may have stopped short of using the word “deplorable” to describe those who support former President Donald Trump, but the message was loud and clear.

In the ad, Biden was surrounded by American flags and the famous monuments of the nation’s Capitol — and while Trump was not mentioned by name, images from January 6, 2021, dominated the screen as viewers were warned of those who would see American democracy come to an end.


Against a backdrop of several American flags — and following a panoramic view of Washington, D.C. — Biden said, “I’ve made the preservation of American democracy the central issue of my presidency. I believe in free and fair elections and the right to vote fairly and have your vote counted.”

The imagery changed abruptly then, pivoting to photos from January 6 and demonstrations tied to Trump supporters.

“There’s something dangerous happening in America,” Biden said over these images, riddled with Trump flags alongside the American flags. “There’s an extremist movement who does not share the basic beliefs in our democracy.”

“All of us are being asked right now, what will we do to maintain our democracy?” he continued. “The world is watching. Most important, our children and grandchildren hold us responsible.”

“Remove our opponent from the ballot? Arrest our opponents??” @ThePeoplesCube replied to Biden’s query.

“Nothing unites the country more than calling over 74 million Americans ‘extremists.'” @ALX posted. “And ‘What will we do to maintain our democracy?’ coming from the party trying to remove a candidate from the ballot? What a joke.”

“You could: Use the DOJ to target your opponent; the Democrats in NY could change laws the day Trump’s presidency ends so he can be sued; Have democrat AGs around the country target your biggest opponent; Coordinate with tech platforms to silence anyone who speaks against you; Arrest people who protested your election to scare anyone else from questioning it; Use racial politics to divide a country that’s already on the threshold of civil war,” @travis_in_flint suggested. “That should protect your version of ‘democracy,’ Right?”

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