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Netanyahu: Israel Opposes Palestinian State In Any Postwar Scenario

  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said this week that Israel will no longer consider allowing the creation of a Palestinian state ...

 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said this week that Israel will no longer consider allowing the creation of a Palestinian state in any postwar scenario due to the unacceptable security risk that it would impose on the country.

Netanyahu made the remarks during a press conference on Thursday as Israel continues to conduct military operations inside Gaza to hunt down the Hamas terrorists responsible for murdering 1,200 Israelis and taking hundreds more as hostages during their unprecedented October 7 terrorist attack.

“For 30 years, I am very consistent and I’m saying something very simple, this conflict is not on the lack of a state of Palestine, but the existence of a state, the Jewish State,” he said, according to a live translation of his remarks by I24.

He noted that Israel has had to evacuate towns throughout the country due to threats from Islamic terrorists on Israel’s borders and said that due to the threat level, Israel will no longer consider allowing the creation of a Palestinian state.


“In the future, the state of Israel has to control the entire area from the river to the sea,” he said. “This truth I say to our American friends, and I also stopped the attempt to impose on us a reality that will jeopardize us.”

“A prime minister in Israel has to be able to say ‘no’ even to the best of friends, to say ‘no’ when you need to and to say ‘yes’ when you can,” he continued.

Netanyahu also stated that the war on Hamas would continue until Hamas was destroyed, saying, “Contrary to what they say, the war continues on all fronts, and the war will continue on all fronts until we reach all of our goals — we will destroy the evil of Hamas. In the past 48 hours, our troops have been fighting fierce battles in Gaza and have eliminated hundreds of terrorists. We destroyed a giant facility for manufacturing rockets, and it’s not the only one. The war continues on all fronts and will continue until we reach all of our goals.”

“Victory will take additional long months, but we are bent on obtaining it. We strive for a total victory,” he asserted. “While our soldiers are sacrificing their lives to complete the victory against Hamas, I hear that there are those in the news studios who claim that it is impossible to win and others who are trying to weaken them. I reject this outright, Israel under my leadership will not allow anything less than victory over Hamas. Stopping the war before reaching its goals will harm Israeli security for generations. Total victory requires the elimination of Hamas’s leaders, the annihilation of Hamas, the return of the hostages, the disarming of Gaza, and Israeli control over everything that enters the Gaza Strip – those are our basic conditions for the day after. I wish to emphasize: the day after is the day after the elimination of Hamas, and it will be achieved when we stay unified.”

“I pledge, for the sake of our troops, the bereaved families, and the families of the hostages, we will not stop and we will not finish the war before total victory and the return of our loved ones,” he declared.

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