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They’re Lying To You, Yet Again. The Reasons For A Hunter Biden Deposition Couldn’t Be Clearer

  Hunter Biden bucked Congress’ subpoena for a closed-door deposition and has somehow garnered sympathy from the left who have defended his ...

 Hunter Biden bucked Congress’ subpoena for a closed-door deposition and has somehow garnered sympathy from the left who have defended his decision. But the reasons for a closed-door deposition couldn’t be clearer, the left is just lying to you again.

Hunter unexpectedly showed up to the Oversight Committee hearing on Wednesday where the House was set to hold the president’s son in contempt of Congress for denying a subpoena for a closed-door deposition. Hunter defied a congressional subpoena on Dec. 13 when he instead chose to hold a press conference on Capitol Hill instead of sitting for a closed-door deposition.

Hunter’s attorney, Abbe Lowell, said Republicans had “improper partisan motives” and that this was part of a “tactic that the Republicans have repeatedly misused in their political crusade to selectively leak and mischaracterize what witnesses have said.”

Lowell is paid to defend Hunter, but these other left-wing shills did it for free.

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Democratic California Rep. Katie Porter said Republicans have an “unacceptable position” demanding a closed-door deposition. Porter said a public deposition would provide more transparency and said she didn’t “appreciate the partisan bickering.”

Democratic Maryland Rep. Jamie Raskin said in a statement previously “there is no precedent” to hold a private citizen in contempt of Congress for not complying with the subpoena (just three years after Steve Bannon and Mark Meadows were both held in contempt of Congress for defying a closed door subpoena).

Meanwhile, news organizations are trying to portray Hunter’s non-compliance as a reasonable negotiation.

The New York Times said Hunter “has repeatedly offered to testify publicly in the impeachment inquiry into President Biden but refused to be interviewed behind closed doors” and said Hunter’s surprise appearance was a demonstration “that he was making himself available to testify publicly.”

The Times explained poor Hunter is fearful that “Republicans would selectively leak his testimony in an effort to misrepresent it.”

But having Hunter testify behind closed doors is exactly how the process should work.

Republican Texas Rep. Pat Fallon laid out exactly why Hunter needs to testify first in a closed-door deposition.

“The truth is, this is about the process. You get deposed and when we have a deposition, which is ironically done in the same room where we have our committee hearings, that you get to ask hundreds of hours of questions if necessary. So there’s really an unlimited clock. When you have public testimony each member of Congress only gets 5 minutes so that totals to about 5 hours and half that time goes to Democrats, which would ask him softball questions. So in order to get the truth, we need the private deposition and then we have the public hearing. Hunter Biden wants to bypass the meat of the process just so he can have a little bit of you know, sugar at the end. And that’s not the way this thing works.”

But hey, don’t take it from a “partisan” Republican, take it from all of these left-leaning outlets and politicians.

Hunter Biden Flees Hearing

California Rep. Adam Schiff explained in 2019 in relation to the impeachment inquiry into former President Donald Trump that “the reason for conducting interviews in private are sound and based on the best interests of a thorough and fair investigation.”

“It is of paramount importance to ensure that witnesses cannot coordinate their testimony with one another to match their description of events, or potentially conceal the truth.” 

The New York Times’ Nick Fandos explained that same year why Democrats were “doing so much out of public view.”

“The Democrats are trying to collect as much information as possibly as quickly as possible. Big made-for-TV hearings are a chaotic and clunky way to try to build a body of evidence. They allow witnesses to line up their stories in advance and could easily backfire on Democrats trying to build a public narrative in real-time.”

Of course, the next question is: Why does Hunter Biden even need to testify?

We’ll let Oregon Rep. Cliff Bentz take it from here.

“The nation believes … that the sale of influence was occurring for years between Hunter Biden and his father. Now is that true? Well, that’s why we’re having the inquiry, to find out whether or not is true, whether or not Joe Biden was directly involved or benefitted from the corrupt practices of his son, Hunter Biden and others. Who could be a more important witness than Hunter?”

Bentz then laid out how the president’s family has received millions in dollars through the alleged sale of influence

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The House Oversight Committee has released a slew of evidence linking the president to influence peddling. The committee released a $200,000 check in October that James Biden wrote to Joe Biden on March 1, 2018, the same day Americore sent James Biden a $200,000 loan payment. James Biden promised Americore his name could “open doors,” according to a lawsuit.

Other documents show Hunter began a business relationship with Chinese entities while his father was sitting Vice President. Hunter’s business associate, James Gilliar, infamously suggested in May of 2017 giving Joe Biden a 10% ownership stake in a proposed business venture with Hunter’s Chinese associates.

There are endless questions to be answered about Hunter’s business dealings, but his reluctance to sit down and provide the truth appears to be telling. Well, telling for people with even a slight amount of skepticism toward the government.

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