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British health officials’ absurd claim that trans people’s “milk” is as healthy as breast milk debunked by experts

  The University of Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust in the UK is being criticized for its absurd claim that the drug-induced secretions from the ...

 The University of Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust in the UK is being criticized for its absurd claim that the drug-induced secretions from the nipples of men who have transitioned to become women is somehow just as good as a mother’s natural breast milk for babies.

Biological men who want the experience of lactation need to take hormones that help them grow milk glands, and then they must take high doses of chemicals that can help them stimulate milk production, such as metoclopramide or domperidone. These drugs are not approved for this purpose, but they are sometimes prescribed off label in some countries to women who are struggling with breastfeeding.

However, domperidone is banned in the U.S. because it can affect the heart of a breastfed baby, something that is clearly stated in the medication’s packaging insert.

Despite this, the trust insists that this is all somehow a good idea and that it is perfectly fine to put a baby's heart health at risk if it helps a man "affirm" himself as a woman. They have presented some evidence that they think supports this stance, but critics have pointed out how weak it is.

For example, most of their evidence is decades old, including a study comparing the milk produced by induced lactation in women to that of a post-partum mother, which is not the same as whatever these delusional men are producing. Another study compared breast milk to instant formula, which is also not comparable to the situation.

UK Labour MP Rosie Duffield stated: “When a man has not and cannot grow a baby, why on earth are we pandering to this? Who does it benefit? Not the children. We wouldn’t do any other medical experiments on babies. Breast milk made by a baby’s biological mother is tailor-made for that baby.”

Because this practice has not been going on for very long, there are no long-term studies on how this can affect babies and children. In fact, not much is known about what is in the milk itself, and it’s also worth noting that these transgender individuals are often taking other types of medication that can affect breastfeeding as well. For example, they may be taking progesterone and estrogen to make their appearance more feminine or anti-androgens to reduce their testosterone production. Women have long been told to avoid a lengthy list of medications and alcohol while breastfeeding.

Experts are afraid to speak out

Policy Exchange Head of Equality and Identity Lottie Moore said the NHS trust is encouraging unsafe practices, telling The Daily Mail: “A child’s welfare must always take precedence over identity politics and contested belief systems that are not evidence-based.”

Some breastfeeding experts have voiced frustration about the matter, saying that sharing their very real and well-meaning concerns about the health of babies who are subjected to this odd experiment gets them labeled as transphobic. Many say they are reluctant to comment publicly on the matter as they fear they could lose their professional qualifications or registrations.

Real breast milk is tailor made to support a baby's needs

Breast milk is very much a “live” substance that constantly adapts to meet a baby’s needs. Before a woman’s breast milk comes in, a substance known as colostrum becomes available shortly after giving birth. Known as “liquid gold,” it is full of antioxidants, antibodies and other nutrients in far higher amounts than those found in breast milk; males cannot produce it, even with help from medication.

A few days later, women’s proper milk comes in, but its composition changes over the next few weeks, sometimes in subtle ways, depending on the baby’s needs, before becoming mature breast milk. It is believed that a baby’s saliva actually sends feedback through the mother’s nipple informing the breast about what the baby needs. This means that, for example, it may cause a boost in antibodies if the baby has a virus. Induced lactation in males lacks these capabilities.

Unfortunately, many women struggle with breastfeeding, and some lactation experts believe that more attention should be paid to helping them boost their production than finding ways to “affirm” an adult man’s feelings who wants to pretend like he is actually a woman. After all, the point of breastfeeding is giving children a healthy start in life, not helping people delude themselves into believing they are a different gender.

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