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Thursday, March 13


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Major health insurance companies alter policies to exclude coverage for injuries or sickness during WAR, riot or insurrection

  Quietly without any fanfare, several of the nation's largest health insurance providers are  changing their policies  for 2024 to excl...

 Quietly without any fanfare, several of the nation's largest health insurance providers are changing their policies for 2024 to exclude treatment coverage for injuries and illnesses stemming from "war, declared or undeclared, riot, or insurrection," as if they know something really, really bad is coming this year.

Recognizing that the country is on the brink of what appears to be a major financial collapse, health insurance carriers are readying the helm to not provide payouts for claims linked to a host of potential calamities that many believe could stem from a social or economic meltdown.

"Y'all need to check your insurance policies," tweeted the Wall Street Apes account on X, citing someone who works in the insurance industry in California. "I have had my insurance license in the state of California for over a decade. And when I was reviewing policies for 2024, I noticed this new exclusion."

"This is under exclusions and expenses not covered on a 2024 Cigna health policy. Treatment of an injury or a sickness, which is due to war, declared or undeclared, riot, or insurrection. This is not typical. This is an insurance policy from United last year for 2023, and the language typically reads like this. What happens with my coverage under extraordinary circumstances?"

Watch the video below to see for yourself the changes and exclusions mentioned:


Is war and great tribulation coming to America in 2024?

While Cigna does say it will "do its best" to provide services to policyholders affected by disaster, epidemic, war, riot, or insurrection, there is technically no obligation, under the newly updated terms, to do this.

United's updated 2024 health insurance policies read much the same, bearing exclusions for war and other calamities that could potentially occur this year at a moment's notice.

"We do not cover an illness, treatment, or medical condition due to war, declared or undeclared," the updated United policy reads, presumably taking into account the escalating situation between Israel and its neighbors, as well as between Russia and Ukraine.

"Cigna and United aren't the only ones that have changed their language excluding war from their policies," the woman in the above video further states. "Anthem has also done this, and it just makes you wonder why in the world would that be the case?"

The "MarineWifeAndMom" (@AngelaH171717) X account responded to the above video with a screenshotof her policy, which she says was changed to include the following:

"2. Exclusions. We will not pay for loss or damage caused by:

a. fire.

b. war. This includes undeclared war, civil war, insurrection, rebellion or revolution or any consequence of these.

c. nuclear reaction, nuclear radiation or radioactive contamination or any consequence of these."

To this, someone responded with surprise that even "fire" is now excluded from the woman's policy, probably to reduce her premium to make it more attractive – at least to the untrained eye.

"As an independent insurance agent," responded another, "I see this happening all too often over the last 18 months. Call your agent. Ask him why he sold you this policy."