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Tuesday, March 18


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Navy officers serving “key roles” to be redeployed in woke “diversity and inclusion” jobs, U.K. military announces

 Despite tremendous manpower shortages that have left its various divisions unable to perform even the most basic of essential functions, the military of the United Kingdom is redeploying officers who currently work in "key roles" to brand-new "diversity and inclusion" positions of a woke nature.

Keep in mind that Great Britain's Royal Navy and Royal Marines are both struggling to deploy any of their available resources to aid in the British-American operation against the Houthis in Yemen because of a staffing crisis, and yet these new woke positions are taking priority for DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) purposes.

"You can imagine the sort of power-hungry social justice warriors this will attract," commented on Navy source, lamenting the UK military's decision on this matter.

"Taking people from key and important roles to focus on diversity is nonsense," added Admiral The Lord West, a former chief of the Naval Staff and Labor government minister. "The Royal Navy has lost the plot."

"Obsessing over diversity and inclusion actually leads to recruitment issues. One needs just to look at the RAF's positive discrimination schemes, which led to the exclusion of some white men. These diversity roles should be scrapped immediately."


That's one way to kill off your armed forces

West's commentary is in reference to recent revelations that the Royal Air Force (RAF) illegally discriminated against white men, disparaging them as "useless white males." When a recruiter complained about this discrimination, she was ultimately forced out of her job.

As a result, nobody even wants to serve in the UK armed forces, which is also the case in the United States where the military is similarly going woke, aka ridding its ranks of white people while ushering in more transgender and LGBT soldiers.

Last year, Spiked published a report about RAF's "woke discrimination," warning that even the armed forces "are falling to divisive identitarian dogma."

Editor Tom Slater wrote that the RAF's new woke policies are so extreme that they are almost unbelievable as actually being real. One of them is the anti-white men policy, which was enacted to recruit "impossible" diversity targets aiming for more female and ethnic-minority recruits.

Elizabeth Nicholl, the RAF recruitment head who was fired for speaking out against this anti-white discrimination, says at least 160 while male recruits were discriminated against prior to her resignation. Sky News reported that 31 of these white men who were adversely affected by the diversity targets will now receive a measly £5,000 (about $6,350) each in compensation.

"This discrimination drive (sorry, diversity drive) started in late 2020, the year of Black Lives Matter, when basically every Western institution was overrun by racial hysteria," Slater writes. "From then until early 2021, RAF top brass reportedly piled huge pressure on recruiters to 'lift the ratio of recruits to 20 per cent ethnic minorities and 40 per cent females by 2030.'"

"When all this began to be uncovered, following backlash and incredulity among lower ranks, the RAF issued a series of non-denial denials. RAF chief Mike Wigston told MPs earlier this year that no discrimination had taken place and insisted 'there was no compromise of entry standards.' But this now seems to have been contradicted by the latest Sky News report. A Sky source also alleges that efforts were made to offer women and ethnic minorities places prior to taking a fitness test, allowing them a clear advantage over their white male counterparts."