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Republicans Slam Biden For ‘Disastrous’ Response To U.S. Soldiers Being Killed: ‘Retaliatory Strikes Are Not Deterrence’

  Republican lawmakers slammed President   Joe Biden   on Friday for taking nearly a full week to respond to three U.S. troops being killed ...

 Republican lawmakers slammed President Joe Biden on Friday for taking nearly a full week to respond to three U.S. troops being killed in the Middle East last weekend, saying that the administration’s response did not go far enough and failed to establish deterrence.

U.S. bombers hit dozens of targets in a limited number of locations in Iraq and Syria after Iranian-backed terrorists conducted a suicide drone attack on a U.S. base last week that also wounded approximately three dozen troops.

“The tragic deaths of three U.S. troops in Jordan, perpetrated by Iran-backed militias, demanded a clear and forceful response,” said House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA). “Unfortunately, the administration waited for a week and telegraphed to the world, including to Iran, the nature of our response. The public handwringing and excessive signaling undercuts our ability to put a decisive end to the barrage of attacks endured over the past few months.”

“We have suffered more than 150 attacks on U.S. forces, lost American lives, and spent billions of dollars in the region since October,” he continued. “It is long overdue for the Biden administration to admit that its strategy of appeasing Iran has been disastrous for the international community and regional stability. We must stand firmly against those who would harm Americans, propagate terror, or threaten our allies. Now is the time for President Biden to wake up to the reality that his policy of placating Iran has failed. To promote peace, America must project strength.”

Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-AK) said that Biden’s response was “disastrous to the point of being dangerous” after he repeatedly signaled “where our military will and will not strike.”

“What would be more effective is to send the message to Iran’s leadership that if the Houthis continue to use Iranian missiles and Iranian intelligence from Iranian spy ships to target U.S. Navy vessels in the Red Sea, we will sink those Iranian spy ships,” he said. “That is how you begin to reestablish deterrence. The Biden administration needs a sustained, multi-faceted strategy that also focuses on non-military actions—in particular, reimposing the comprehensive sanctions against the Iranian oil and gas sector that proved to be so effective during the Trump administration.”

Sen Tim Scott (R-SC) wrote on X: “Retaliatory strikes are not deterrence; we need a holistic strategy to stop Iran now and in the future. To start, no more Biden bucks sent to Iran that it turns around and uses it to attack the US and our allies.”

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX) said, “After almost a week, today’s strikes are long overdue following a delay that allowed our enemies to prepare. The Biden admin must be decisive with sustained retaliatory strikes and begin to enforce oil and other sanctions to cut off the source of terror funding.”


“The retaliatory strikes against Iranian proxy targets are certainly warranted, but the fact that they were delayed and telegraphed makes them less likely to deter Iran and their proxies from their attacks on U.S. service members,” said Sen. Ted Budd (R-NC).

Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS) said that the strikes were “far too late for the three brave Americans who died and the nearly 50 wounded.”

“Iran and its proxies have tried to kill American soldiers and sink our warships 165 times while the Biden administration congratulates itself for doing the bare minimum,” he said. “Instead of giving the Ayatollah the bloody nose that he deserves, we continue to give him a slap on the wrist. The Biden administration spent nearly a week foolishly telegraphing U.S. intentions to our adversaries, giving them time to relocate and hide. It is past time for our commander-in- chief to adopt a new approach that targets the actual sponsors of terrorism in the region.”

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) added:

Sen. Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) posted on X: “When Iran reared its head in 1988, Ronald Reagan sunk their Navy. When the IRGC again threatened Americans, President Trump ordered the airstrike that killed Soleimani. Deterrence isn’t delayed half-measures. Deterrence is taking the head off the snake.”

“To stop attacks on Americans, Iran must know its support for terrorist proxies comes with a heavy price,” said Sen. Deb Fischer (R-NE). “These strikes, announced well in advance, likely did not accomplish nearly enough to stop Iran’s axis. Whatever next steps the President takes must be significantly stronger.”

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