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Texas Governor Abbott Says Biden ‘Failing’ On Two Duties To Deter Illegal Immigration

  President   Joe Biden   is “failing” on more than one front to secure the southern border and deport illegal immigrants from the United St...

 President Joe Biden is “failing” on more than one front to secure the southern border and deport illegal immigrants from the United States, according to Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott.

During an interview on “Sunday Morning Futures,” the governor argued that former President Donald Trump, whom he has endorsed for another term, did what Biden claims he lacks the power to do without permission from Congress.

“The fact is, we all saw from what President Trump did, the President of the United States has the power. I must emphasize this. There is an obligation — there are laws in the United States that require the president to deny illegal entry of any illegal immigrant,” Abbott told Fox News anchor Maria Bartiromo.

“And then, if they do get into the United States, he has a legal obligation to detain those illegal immigrants. Joe Biden is failing at both of those duties, and that’s exactly what gives Texas the authority to make sure that we can step up and secure our own border and protect our own state through self-defense,” he added.

Texas is locked in multiple legal battles with the Biden administration over the state’s use of floating barriers and razor wire to secure the southern U.S. border.

Abbott told Bartiromo that other Republican governors are supporting Texas on the border issue and explained how razor wire is deterring the flow of illegal immigration at one particular site where a standoff has taken place between state officials and the federal government.

“More than half of the governors are now joined together in support of a very important proposition. And that is, we are guaranteed by the United States Constitution the right of self-defense if states face imminent harm or invasion. Texas obviously is facing both an imminent harm as well as an invasion,” Abbott said.


“And so these governors are rallying around Texas to support our ongoing right to self-defense and the deployment of this razor wire that has led to a massive reduction in inflow,” he added. “Maria, get this. The area where we have occupied this park in Eagle Pass, Texas, [where] we put up the razor wire, there used to be 3,000 or 4,000 people crossing that area a day. For the past three days, we have averaged just three people crossing that area. The point is, if we put up resistance, we show that we can secure the border. Joe Biden should not be stopping that.”

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