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The NCAA Is A Disgrace: NC State Swimmer Owen Lloyd Ridiculously Disqualified For Celebrating ACC Championship Victory

  The NCAA continues to embarrass themselves. Saturday night brought us the final session of the 2024 ACC Swimming & Diving Championship...

 The NCAA continues to embarrass themselves.

Saturday night brought us the final session of the 2024 ACC Swimming & Diving Championships, and holy hell, did it get off to an absolute banging start — we’re talking about pure drama here, ladies and gentlemen.

The evening saw records being broken by Notre Dame’s Chris Giuliano, as well as the Walsh sisters, but the highlight of the night had to be a disqualification — and a rare one at that — at the end of the men’s 1650 free.

Winning the ACC championship, Owen Lloyd of NC State reportedly gave a touch to the wall at the 14:37:04 mark. Understandably hyped up after his title win, Lloyd climbed on top of a lane rope and mounted himself on top of it in celebration, falling into Ross Dant’s lane afterwards — Dant is Lloyd’s teammate and was the runner-up of the race, finishing two seconds after Lloyd.

Well, the NCAA ended up being straight up pricks about this entire situation (as usual), disqualifying Lloyd and taking his title away. And they used the stupidest excuse at that: “Interfered with another swimmer”

FYI, the race was already over.

Reportedly finishing with a time of 14:39.34, Dant was given the ACC title after Lloyd’s disqualification. However, Dant — like a true teammate (and hero at that) — wasn’t playing any of that nonsense. Instead, he gave the championship medal to Lloyd despite his disqualification, defending him passionately during an interview with ESPN.

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