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Rashida Tlaib Faces Calls To Be Removed From Congress After Speaking At Terrorist-Connected Event

  Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) faced backlash over the weekend after attending and speaking at a conference that reportedly has ties to U.S. de...

 Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) faced backlash over the weekend after attending and speaking at a conference that reportedly has ties to U.S. designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO).

She attended the People’s Conference for Palestine in Detroit, where she derided President Joe Biden for the support that he has given to Israel as the country continues its military campaign in Gaza against Hamas following the terrorist group’s October 7 massacre.

“Among the speakers at the Michigan event was Wisam Rafeedie, an activist associated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a Marxist-Leninist terror group active in Gaza and headquartered in the Syrian capital of Damascus,” National Review reported. “The U.S. State Department, as well as Japan, Canada, and the European Union, has designated the PFLP as a terrorist organization.”

The report noted that the wife of a PFLP terrorist, who recently died in prison, also spoke at the conference and that Tlaib has ties to several activists who are linked to Hamas.

Fox News reported that the conference was organized by The People’s Forum, a communist group tied to “Neville Roy Singham, an American-born multimillionaire tech mogul based in Shanghai, who has been described as a ‘conduit’ for CCP geopolitical influence.”

Members of Congress weighed in on Tlaib’s attendance at the conference after a video of her speaking there went viral on social media.


“@RashidaTlaib should be removed from Congress immediately,” said Rep. Mike Lawler (R-NY). “Associating with and speaking before groups that are funded by US designated terrorist organizations is disqualifying.”

“When people choose sides – you should believe them,” added Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX).


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