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EXCLUSIVE: Congress Probes Biden Admin’s ‘Politicized’ Prosecution Of Texas Whistleblower

  A Republican congressman says the Biden administration is conducting a “politicized” prosecution against the Texas surgeon who blew the wh...

 A Republican congressman says the Biden administration is conducting a “politicized” prosecution against the Texas surgeon who blew the whistle on Texas Children’s Hospital for conducting secret transgender surgeries, and is demanding transparency about why he was targeted, according to a Thursday letter obtained exclusively by The Daily Wire.

Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) is pressing Attorney General Merrick Garland and Health Secretary Xavier Becerra for all information regarding the decision to indict Dr. Eithan Haim, who was alerted by three armed agents at his house that he was being charged with federal crimes.

The exact charges to be brought remain unclear, even to Haim, as he awaits a formal hearing to learn about the charges. Crenshaw says in the letter that he’s “alarmed by the conduct” of the investigation into a whistleblower.

“This situation demands a thorough and transparent review to ensure that justice is served fairly and without political bias,” Crenshaw writes in the Thursday letter, going on to demand all communication relating to both the investigation of Haim and the decision to indict him.

The letter specifies that it is seeking documents not only from the Department of Justice and Department of Health and Human Services, but also from the Executive Office of the President.

Haim revealed his identity as the whistleblower in January, telling The Daily Wire he believed it was his “responsibility as a doctor to expose” what he saw at Texas Children’s Hospital, which continued to conduct sex-change procedures on children as it declared to the public that it halted the program.



“Flat out — the prosecutions should not be happening; that’s obvious to anyone following Dr. Haim’s story,” Crenshaw said. “Dr. Haim is a Texas doctor who took to heart his oath to do no harm.”

The Texas Republican said the Biden administration is “looking to make an example of him so that no one with a different viewpoint steps out of line.”

“The Left loves to champion a whistleblower, but when a doctor blows the whistle on the mutilation of children, Democrats conveniently forget their ‘principles,'” Crenshaw said.

Crenshaw’s letter indicates a belief that the investigation was carried out unethically, with the federal prosecutor pursuing a case without even reviewing evidence.

“A letter to Congress from Mr. Haim’s lawyers reveals that the DOJ prosecutor later admitted she had never reviewed the supposed evidence against Dr. Haim before considering him a target,” Crenshaw writes. “DOJ policy dictates that this must be done in advance. The DOJ prosecutor talked about aggressively prosecuting Dr. Haim, including charging him with a felony and trying him by jury even on a technicality. It appears that the prosecutor has now followed through on those threats and charged Dr. Haim with multiple felonies.”

Crenshaw said that this fight is about more than just Haim, and that the reason he’s being targeted is about precisely what he blew the whistle on.

“Americans do not want to see the next generation mutilated — that’s what this fight is about,” Crenshaw said.

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