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Israeli Zionists have been controlling U.S. government with espionage for DECADES, including influencing “alternative” media

  The history of Zionism and Israel's corrupt influence over American politics goes  much further back  than the October 7 false flag at...

 The history of Zionism and Israel's corrupt influence over American politics goes much further back than the October 7 false flag attack, according to Jake Shields on X (formerly Twitter).

Longtime Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu unsuccessfully blackmailed former President Bill Clinton, for instance. When Clinton refused to play ball, Netanyahu leaked the Monica Lewinsky tapes and the rest is history.

Lewinsky was a Jewish spy, Shields says, who Israel placed in Clinton's life for the specific purpose of collecting blackmail on him. By doing this, Israeli intelligence thought it would gain full control over Clinton. He cites this 1999 story from the New York Post as evidence. The story states:

ISRAEL blackmailed President Clinton with phone-tapped tapes of his steamy sex talks with Monica Lewinsky, a blockbuster new book charges.

The price Clinton paid for the silence of the Mossad spy agency was calling off an FBI hunt for a top-level Israeli mole allegedly installed at the White House... author Thomas says Danny Yatom, Mossad inspector general, succeeded in tapping Lewinsky’s phone and amassed some 30 hours of sexually explicit conversations between the president and Lewinsky.

Thomas says Tel Aviv used the tapes to stop the probe of an operative code-named “MEGA,” who was, and could still be, deep within the White House.

Clinton's many decisions throughout his presidency were likely influenced by Israel for its benefit, but not his decision not to pardon infamous Jewish intelligence analyst and spy Jonathan Pollard, who was jailed for spying on behalf of Israel.  

Netanyahu threatened Clinton that if he did not pardon Pollard, the Lewinsky tape would be released. Since Clinton was not able to pardon Pollard, Netanyahu followed through on the threat and made Lewinsky a household name.

Israeli blackmail scheme against Clinton led to Drudge Report becoming top news site

Never ones to let one of their manufactured crises go to waste, the Zionists used the Lewinsky tape leak to propel the Drudge Report to the top of the news heap. Suddenly, Drudge became one of the leading news websites, which shows who really controls it, explains Shields.

Breitbart News also came into existence around this same time after the late Andrew Breitbart flew to Israel to meet with Netanyahu. During their time together, they came up with the idea of Breitbart News and launched it.

Breitbart returned to the United States and decided to take Ben Shapiro under his wing, grooming Shapiro to eventually become head of The Daily Wire – or as former UFC and MMA fighter and five-time world champion Jake Shields calls it, the "Israeli Wire."

"As you can see you aren't just getting news from jews you are getting it from Israeli intelligence," Shields wrote in a Twitter post about all these new revelations.


Secret Israeli spy ring uncovered after 9/11

Many people missed it at the time, but right after the 9/11 terrorist attacks occurred at the World Trade Center in New York City, Fox News ran a four-part series about a secret Israeli spy ring that was identified as having ties to 9/11.

The Fox report revealed that Israeli spies had infiltrated just about every crevice of the U.S. government. They even had a team of explosive experts embedded within the governmental infrastructure, which begs the question why?

You can watch the four-part series below:

Phony Israeli "art students" infiltrated U.S. government for two years around 9/11

Salon also ran a piece about the Israeli "art student" mystery, which involved hundreds of so-called phony art students from Israel who "haunted federal offices" in the U.S., and the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) in particular, for almost two years.

"No one knows why – and no one seems to want to find out," wrote Salon's Christopher Ketcham in the article.

In January 2001, just eight months before the 9/11 attacks, the security branch of the DEA started receiving a number of unusual reports from agency field offices across America. Young Israelis claiming to be art students with artwork for sale were pushing to penetrate offices of the DEA, the Department of Defense (DOD) and other law enforcement agencies.

"Strangest of all," Ketcham wrote, "the 'students' had visited the homes of numerous DEA officers and other senior federal officials."

"As a pattern slowly emerged, the DEA appeared to have been targeted in what it called an 'organized intelligence gathering activity.' But to what end, and for whom, no one knew."

Simply put, these fake Israeli "art students" pretended to be trying to sell artwork to federal agents at their homes throughout the first six months of 2001. Some 130 separate incidents were reported of agents at the DEA, the ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms), the Air Force, Secret Service, the FBI and U.S. Marshals Service being approached by the Israeli "art students."

"Some of the Israelis were observed diagramming the inside of federal buildings," Ketcham explained. "Some were found carrying photographs they had taken of federal agents. One was discovered with a computer printout in his luggage that referred to 'DEA groups.'"

"The 'art students' followed a predictable modus operandi. They generally worked in teams, typically consisting of a driver, who was the team leader, and three or four subordinates. The driver would drop the 'salespeople' off at a given location and return to pick them up some hours later. The 'salespeople' entered offices or approached agents in their offices or homes."

All of this would of course culminate in September with the WTC attacks and those creepy reports of "dancing Israelis" in their aftermath. For how long and to what extent are Israeli spies still doing this same kind of thing today? The still-unknown answers to that question will likely shock the world should they ever come to light.

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