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Political Brew: Who's More Coffee-Obsessed - Democrats or Republicans?

Credit:   With the U.S. election drawing near, we at   Coffeeness   have been brewing up a fascinating question: who’s mo...


 With the U.S. election drawing near, we at Coffeeness have been brewing up a fascinating question: who’s more reliant on coffee—Democrats or Republicans? While we haven’t yet dived into alcohol consumption, stay tuned for those results!

Our analysis of Google search data for coffee-related terms reveals intriguing insights into the correlation between political affiliation and coffee habits. Here are a few key takeaways:

  • Democratic-leaning states showed a stronger affinity for coffee overall.
  • These states generally have more coffee shops per capita and higher search volumes for coffee-related terms.
  • The Northeast and Pacific regions emerged as the nation's coffee hotspots. Coffee-loving states in these areas include Massachusetts, New York, Connecticut, California, Washington and Hawaii.
  • Southern states, which tend to vote Republican, showed lower levels of coffee consumption. Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kentucky and Mississippi are among the states with the fewest points for coffee mania.

For a detailed look at our findings, please refer to our full report in the press release, and check out our map.

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