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Right Wing Wins BIG in France’s First Round, With Largest Voter Turnout in Over 40 Years – Stocks and Euro Rally Indicating Acceptance of Le Pen’s RN by the Market

  RN’s Jordan Bardella and Marine Le Pen, embattled President Emmanuel Macron. As all the polls indicated, the first round of voting in Fran...


RN’s Jordan Bardella and Marine Le Pen, embattled President Emmanuel Macron.

As all the polls indicated, the first round of voting in France led Marine Le Pen’s conservative RN party to a BIG victory with a decisive lead over the left Wing alliance that took second place, leaving the crumbling centrist alliance of deeply unpopular President Emmanuel Macron in a distant third place.

Not only that but the RN’s victory was obtained in a high-turnout vote, as France flocked to the polls on Sunday for the consequential snap election that is poised to lead Le Pen’s party to control of the parliament.

Telegraph reported:

“France is on course to record its largest election turnout in over four decades in a battle between the hard-Right and Emmanuel Macron’s centrist coalition.

Official forecasts put turnout at 53.39 per cent by 5pm. There has not been such a large mobilization of voters in France since 1981, in a contest where leading parties called on the electorate to come out to defeat their rivals.”

The turnout was also up sharply – around eight percentage points – from the last legislative elections in France of 2022.

49 million people were registered to vote this year, and Macron’s desperate – and failed – gamble on dissolving the parliament and calling a snap election turned it into a ‘proxy referendum’ his leadership after seven years.

“That could pave the way for Jordan Bardella, 28, to become France’s youngest prime minister after a second run-off vote next Sunday. It would mark the first time the hard-Right has been in power since the Nazi occupation during the Second World War.”

Of course, above, we see how the MSM, even in a conservative paper like the Telegraph, insists on associating RN with Nazis, even as they fail to alert the world that Macron is pimping REAL PRESENT DAY NAZIS in Ukraine.

After Macron’s humiliating defeat in the EU elections – where RN got twice as many votes as his bloc – Le ‘Petit Roi’ followed through with yet another historic defeat.

Elections for France’s National Assembly are contested over two rounds. The second run-off vote will be held next Sunday, July 7.

“Most polls show National Rally winning the most number of seats, but there are questions over whether it will secure an outright majority.

[…] If the National Rally does obtain an outright majority, it would put Mr Bardella in a tense “cohabitation” with Mr Macron, which analysts believe could lead to deadlock and political instability. There is also the prospect of a hung parliament, with the same blockages expected.”

The French stock market has rallied.

Meanwhile, the market has let go of its Globalist fears of a boogie-man RN administration and rallied.

Bloomberg reported:

“European stocks snapped a four-day losing streak and the euro rose as French election results suggested there’s a smaller probability of extreme policies coming from the far-right.

Traders interpreted the first round of legislative voting as an indication that Marine Le Pen’s party faces a tougher-than-expected road to overall victory, reducing the risks of spending plans that would rattle financial markets. The 10-year spread on French-German debt narrowed to a two-week low.

[…] France’s CAC 40 Index jumped as much as 2.8% before retracing some gains. Banking stocks led the advance in Europe’s Stoxx 600 Index, as French lenders Societe Generale SA, BNP Paribas SA and Credit Agricole SA all surged by more than 5%. The euro climbed to its strongest level since mid June.”

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